Staircase Tower

The Translite Stair Case tower consists of Standards, Ledger, diagonal braces and guardrails with specific components that are designed specifically for stair case towers. Such as Stair Flights, boards, landings etc. It can be erected both as an independent entity or integrated scaffold.


  • Easy installation, fine finish and sturdy structure.
  • Towers are suitable to use for climbing from one level to other.
  •  Available in wide range of sizes and also withstand huge loads.
  • Rugged structure with high screw holding capacity.
  • Resistant to rust and ability to stand in harsh weather condition.

Available sizes

It depends upon the project requirement for height varying from 4 Mtr to 10 Mtr or higher.

Staircase tower has been designed specially to provide a safe, stable, site staircase enabling personnel to gain access to the working levels swiftly and efficiently.

Staircase tower are available only on purchase basis from our company.